
ADHD and Me.

When my sons were diagnosed with ADHD it explained a lot. Their impulsivity, forgetfulness, and inability to focus now had a nice, neat label. However, I didn't want them to think they could use that as an excuse to be anything less than successful. Since I write, I wanted to know how to best help them with their writing skills should they choose to go down the same path I have. The more I learned, the more I realized that I did the same things they did, just to a smaller extent, and the techniques I used to help myself, could help them as well.
I compiled my findings into a booklet, and began beta testing it with my writers groups. (That's right, groups.) Every time I did, someone asked to keep a copy for their own reference. One of the members even referred me to a mental health newsletter he works with and hooked me up with one of the editors who will include a piece about my booklet in their forthcoming edition of the newsletter!
While I was originally planning on prepping it for an October release (ADHD awareness week lies in that month), I have never been one to turn down an opportunity. Instead of releasing it all at the same time, like I originally planned, I will have paper copies ready June 15th, and add electronic copies in October.
Mostly I'm just glad that what has helped me, has proved useful to others, and can help those, especially, who struggle with ADHD tendencies to accomplish their writing goals.  

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